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Cylch Meithrin Pwll Coch

Cylch Meithrin Pwll Coch is a Welsh-medium nursery which has been located on the site of Ysgol Gymraeg Pwll Coch since September 2020! We are very proud to be able to offer Welsh medium nursery provision for our local community and we look forward to welcoming you to the Cylch!

We are an inclusive, welcoming Cylch that celebrates diversity. We provide Cylch Meithrin sessions in the morning and afternoon, together with comprehensive lunchtime care (Lunch Club) for the nursery at Ysgol Pwll Coch. Your child will be able to attend the Cylch Meithrin in the morning, be supervised over lunch at the Lunch Club and then attend Ysgol Pwll Coch nursery in the afternoon, or the other way around.


Cylch Meithrin session (morning or afternoon) £11.25

Lunch Club : £5.50

You will be able to use your childcare vouchers and take advantage of the 30 hour childcare offer here!

Email Address for applications:

We look forward to hearing from you!